A Message from Pastor Mike
A Message from Pastor Mike

As we’ve been making plans for our new website, I’ve been giving some thought to what I might say in the Pastor’s space.
It was Easter Sunday 9 years ago when I began to lead this ministry. I found a people zealous to be used by God, generous toward His work, and anxious to cooperate with those who were leading in the pursuit of kingdom goals. What Pastor wouldn’t love that?
I have said on many occasions to many people that though I have never had a bad church, in my 42 years of ministry, I have never worked with more genuine or more loving people. The Greenwood family is something special indeed, and really, you have to experience it to believe it.
I have watched you love people in need here at home, at the edge of our own continent, and on foreign fields. We’ve worshipped together and worked together and broken bread together! We’ve rejoiced when little ones arrived, and grieved together when our senior saints left us for their heavenly home. Ministering to you every day has been a pleasure and a privilege.
If you are not a part of our family, we would love to introduce ourselves. Greenwood is a forward looking Southern Baptist Church with a heart for people and an unwavering commitment to the truth of God’s Word. We endeavor to make our music inspirational, our teaching and preaching biblical and our love for one another fierce and genuine. If that’s what you’re looking for, I am certain you will find it here.
So, check us out on this page, follow the links to look in on our services and activities, and if you feel led to visit us in person … we’ll be happy to see you. You’ll really be surprised at how quickly we’ll make you feel like family! If you have any questions, feel free to call me at (229) 242-0193 .
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Mike